Thursday, January 12, 2012

Holiday Handmade Recap: Dinner Napkins and Tea Towels.

Remember the fabrics I posted HERE?

Well, I turned that collection of fabrics into dinner napkins and tea towels to gift along with our Piggie Cutting boards.

I made a set of small dinner napkins for my family a couple of years ago (see them HERE) and they are among the *most used* thingys in this home.

I lot of people don't use cloth napkins.
There are lots of reasons not to, I guess....

They seem too fancy.
You have to wash them.
They might get ruined.

No need to worry with these cloth napkins, though....I *purposely* made them imperfect and smaller than regular dinner napkins, so that they would (hopefully) feel less formal.

I call them Everyday Napkins.

Fun patterns, bright colors, 100% cotton or cotton linen blends.
They just get better the more you wash them.
The patterns hide small stains.

As far as all that washing goes?
To minimize the work, we temporarily assign certain patterns to certain people. You keep your napkin, meal after meal, until it is actually dirty (some meals they're hardly touched!) and then they get tossed in the basket.

The napkins are nice to use, they make dinner feel (maybe?) a bit more special and we cut down on waste, majorly!

As far as a pattern goes? There isn't one. I used a rotary cutter and a homemade cardboard template to cut square after square, without much concern for *square-ness*.

I then folded-up each side 1/4 inch and ironed.
Repeat once more, until all cut edges are hidden.
Then sew.
Again, I eye-balled the 1/4 inch.

I made them casually because I wanted them to feel casual.
I wanted them used everyday.
Not just on special occasions.....

It's a napkin revolution!

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