Friday, April 12, 2013

Silly Sh&*t My Kids Love.

It was another cold and crappy day (not that I'm feeling negative about the weather or anything) and we were stuck doing indoor activities, running errands and watching one favorite sing-along movie (Yay Annie!!!)

As the day progressed, and I struggled to fill it with *FUN*, I started to take note of all the silly things my kids love to do....over and over again!

They love:
Hallway dance parties
...and homework parties

Going barefoot (even in the cold!)
....and pants-less

Sticking things in holes (nose holes, ear holes, key holes, etc)
....and visiting totem poles (a slightly offbeat obsession).

Outdoor crafts
.....and tree climbing

Eating food like a bird (I'm feeling a bit Alicia Silverstone about this one but OMG, I don't chew the food!!)
....and eating food with unusually sized utensils (the world's smallest spoon and largest fork are two favorites).

Floor picnics
....and drinking out of wineglasses.

Being told their birth story
....and tales from *when they were young* (you used to say "poon" instead of "spoon"!! Hilarious!)

Having after-bath massages
...and getting *steam-rolled* (you know what I mean, right?).

Lastly they love to blame *the ghost*
As in, "I don't know who drew on the wall? It must have been the ghost!"

Do your kids love silly sh%^t??

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