Sunday, January 6, 2013

When My Parenting Falls Apart....

Tomorrow we return to our "Regularly Scheduled Programming".

The kids will be back in a routine and so will we.
Thank God.

About a week and a half ago, Winnie was laying across my lap, leisurely staring at the ceiling and she let out a big *SIGH*
"Oh, it's so nice to be home with you mom and not at school".
I couldn't have agreed more.

That was the high point of the holiday.
Today was definitely the low point.

I'm just not cut out for this.
All day, every day at home with kids.....I salute those that manage to do it and stay sane, I tell you.

Honestly, I think the kids feel it too.
This weekend they were little terrors.
Nothing outrageous, just clearly stir-crazy and a bit sick of my face.

Today, when Winnie purposely poured water over the novel I was reading I totally lost it.
I think I said F*&k about 4 times.

Winnie looked satisfied.
Jamie looked like he was worried for everyones safety.

So, here's what I did....
I turned on the t.v.

Because that is apparently what I do when my parenting falls apart.

Am I alone?

1 comment:

  1. lol I'm feeling a bit ready for routine as well, and I think Ryker is too!
