We celebrated three birthdays this weekend. A friend turned 40. A big birthday we celebrated with drinks (and a headache the next morning)!
Our house turned 1 on Saturday....you can see it lurking in the background of all our pictures.
Not quite finished, ever evolving...but so much better than it was last February when we moved in with two mattresses, two couches and a birth pool.
Which brings me to the final birthday:
Our little Philippa turned ONE on Sunday.
We celebrated her with little sandwiches and mini cheesecakes and flowers and bunting.
We celebrated her with a book, made just for her, as a reminder of all her special first year moments.
I had to put her book together fairly quickly and I was feeling a bit bad about her second child-ness. How she is sometimes left in the busy-ness, how we rush through things with her, how we expect her to adapt....
And then we were shopping downtown on the weekend. In a store; me, my sister, my mom, and one of my aunts were surrounding Pippa. We were laughing at her, tickling her, talking to her, doting on her.
A stranger came up to us. She laughed at us fawning over this little baby and said "Wow, it's too bad there's no one to love her!".
Which made me realize that, despite the busy-ness, Pippa is surrounded by people who love her, all the time. She is held and hugged and cuddled from the moment she gets up until the moment her tiny toes stop wiggling at the end of the day.
Happy Birthday to our, oh so sweet, second child. Our warm, loving, kissy, huggy, dancing & singing baby girl!
We're so glad you're here!
Beautiful pictures! Happy birthday sweet Pippa!