Monday, January 16, 2012

Minimalist Mom.

I talked about Resolutions and Ruminations a few weeks ago, HERE.

I admitted that I make resolutions every year. I actually prefer to think of them as goals.

At the end of December, Jamie and I sit down and make small goals for the year and review our BIG goals for the next 5-10 years.

[Irish Dresser Poster]

I love to see how our ideas of what we want and need evolve.
I also love to see how this simple act of writing down our goals, seems to bring what we need, to us, just when we most need it.

For several years we've been focused on growing. Growing our careers, businesses, family, house size, incomes.....

We needed to bigger and bigger we did.
But, recently, I've noticed a funny thing.
The bigger we get, the more we seem to "need".

Our businesses have grown. So too have our incomes. And yet, we still never seem to have enough. Though we met our initial financial goals 2 years ago, and all of the new financials goals we've set since, we still find ourselves saying "If we only made THIS much more money, we'd be really comfortable"......

We haven't even put the trim on this new house and we're already concerned about storage and closets and space.

The more we make, the more we spend, the more we stuff we have. Consequently, the more *stuff* we have, the more responsibility and stress we have.

It's a train, out of control, on a track to nowhere and I think it's total bulls*&t.
I want off the train.

So, this year the goals have changed. We want to continue to grow, just in a different direction.
Perfectly timed, my friend C sent me a link to the blog Minimalist Mom.

[Minimalist Mom Button]

The Minimalist Mom is a mother, wife and writer from Vancouver, Canada, currently living in the Isle of Man.
She lives with: 2 pairs of jeans, no car, no debt, more time and less stress.

Her Mantra is: A Rich Life with Less Stuff and she writes about her quest to live a life free of mental and physical clutter.
She's just the guru I've been searching for:)


So, my goal for this year is to minimize.
Reduce clutter and "unecessaries" in our house.
Our budget this year is based on saving more, not making more.
Most of all, I hope that I can find creative ways to continue doing the things we really love, in a minimalist spirit!

I'll be riding the coattails of my newest blogger *friend* over at Minimalist Mom.
Posting monthly changes we're making to create a RICH life with LESS Stuff!

Here's a recent blog entitled You are Not Your Stuff.
Now, I'm pretty ruthless when it comes to de-cluttering but in this article she talks about de-cluttering your home library.
GASP! Books? I have to let go of books?


I'm not sure I'm ready for this.....
One step at a Time!


  1. Love this! I'll be following your minimal trail.

  2. great goal :) I recently purged my library..and bought a kobo, and it has drastically reduced our bedroom clutter
