Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Naturopathic First Aid Kits For Kids!

I've been inspired. Too many "middle of the night" health issues without the right herbs/remedies on hand have inspired me to compile a list of favorite go-to naturopathic treatments for common kid ailments.

When sickness strikes it's not always possible to get in touch with your naturopath right away and without the right information and supplies on hand it can be hard to avoid Tylenol and antibiotics and other unfavorables...because kids don't get sick Monday morning at 10am, do they? Well, not very often in my experience anyways.....

Here is a list of things to keep on-hand for your kids (and yourself) as a first line treatment for minor health issues.

This is by no means a complete list and the recommendations are general ones. The idea is to provide you with a few tools to manage your childrens’ health...until you can't manage it on your own any more......

So, here we go!

For General Immune Support:
These supps can be used all year, during cold and flu season or just as needed.

In the protocols that follow, these supplements will be referred to as "Immune Support".

1. Herbals Combinations:
• St. Francis Deep Immune for Kids
• Echinasyr by Genestra
• Adrographis by Promedics (this is in tablet for and you have to crush it. Better for kids old enough to "eat" the crushed tablet in a spoonful of applesauce or nut butter).
• Herbal Immune Punch: A tea I have formulated that can be mixed with juice, turned into Popsicles or served as a warm tea.

2. A Good Probiotic:
• Ultra Flora Plus DF Powder
• HMF Neuropowder
• HMF Natogen Powder

3. A High Quality Fish Oil
• Nordic Naturals ProEFA Junior
• NutraSea Kids
• Carlson for Kids Finest Fish Oil

The Common Cold
Includes runny noses, coughs, and congestion.

1. Immune support (Above. Just a reminder immune support = immune herbs + probiotic)
2. Cough Syrup (For children under 1, make sure the syrup DOES NOT use honey as it's base) I like:
• Drosera Plex Cough Syrup by Seroyal
• Homeocan Phytux Homeopathic Cough Syrup.
• For Children Over 2, this is the best cough syrup around:
• Chop up 1 yellow onion. Cover with honey (preferably raw honey/manuka honey). Let sit over night (though I start using it right away!). In the morning drain the honey off of the onion and into a jar (it will be more watery) Administer a TBSP of the honey as needed! *Note: I first read about this cough syrup in a book by Mary Boave but my friend and ND Rachel Schwartzman also wrote about it on her blog: HERE.

3. Other:
• A humidifier for the child's room is KEY!
• Echinamide (by Natural Factors) throat spray can be really helpful for a spasmodic reflexive cough. The spray helps to reduce inflammation in the upper airway.
• Avoid sugar and dairy while the child is ill.

1. Immune Support (above)
2. Mucococcinum OR Oscillococcinum Homeopathic Flu Treatment
*Note: these can also be used preventatively

3. Other:
• Lots of fluids (watered down juices, herbal tea mixed with juice)
• avoid sugar and dairy
• ginger tea/capsules for nausea
• hydrotherapy to ease aches and pains and facilitate recovery.

1. Tilt head forward, pinch nose (fleshy part), cool cloth to the back of the neck and nose.
2. Homeopathics:

• Arnica 30C - For a nosebleed from Injury or blowing the nose too hard. Person will say there is nothing wrong even after serious injury.
• Belladona 30C - A nosebleed that comes on suddenly. Blood is hot and clots easily. Person has a red flushed face.

Minor Burns & Scalds
**In children, even minor burns may be very serious. Always consult your ND or MD right away.

1. Apply cold water to the affected area
2. Arnica 30C

3. Apply a compress soaked in cold water with 2-3 tsp of Witch Hazel or Aloe vera gel or a bit of lavender oil mixed with a carrier oil (olive oil or almond oil)
4. If pain is not relieved by topical solution try one of the following homeopathics:
• Cantharis 30C - burn is swollen, person may be angry or irritable from the pain
• Urtica Urens - Red skin but no blistering. Stinging , prickly burning feeling.

**Again, if fever is over 101F or persists for more than 24 hours, seek medical attention. Seek medical attention if your child's disposition changes or they become lethargic....or if, at any point, you feel uncomfortable.

1. Immune Support (above)
2. Febriplex:
a homeopathic combination for fever
3. Other: warm baths, herbal teas, enemas

1. Hyland’s Teething Tablets or Boiron Camilia

2. Other: Chew toys, cloths, amber/hazelnut necklaces
3. *Avoid topical anesthetics! They have little efficacy and may lead to choking.

Ear Aches
1. Immune Support (above).
2. Eliminate sugar and dairy from the diet.
3. Garlic Mullein Ear Oil. Drop into the ear as directed.
4. Other: Chop an onion in half and blanch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Remove from water and wrap in a clean tea towel. Place over the ear (careful not to burn!) for pain relief.

Bumps and Bruises
1. Arnica 30C, orally
2. Arnica Homeopathic Cream topically.
3. Other: *Traumeel is also great internally and topically.

I'm putting together kits! For those interested, email me! I'll let you know the price and what's included. It will be a great deal!

And the next time one of your children starts screaming about ear pain, in the car on the way home from a party on a Saturday night (this HAS happened to us!), you'll know what to do!


  1. great article Jill - I will do my best to remember these but likely I'll be googling you at 2am for an ear ache rememdy!!!

  2. Hi Jill,

    This is great! I'm interested in a kit - keep me posted:

    ebidlake at


  3. I'll definitely be referring to this post again. Thanks so much, Jill!

  4. Great list. Did you put together the kits? I keep arnica in my purse and send it with all my kids when they go to camp. It is definitely my can't live without remedy.
