Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Green Idea!

Last night Jamie and I got seriously reprimanded when Winnie found one of her paintings in the recycling bin...."I made this and worked hard and it is mine and you DO NOT put it in recycling because it is my painting!".

Oops. I know I should feel bad, and I do, but really...what am I supposed to do with the 1001 painting created by our little protege every week? The really special ones we save, of course. The other, slightly less special ones?

I keep them in my wrapping cupboard and I've started using them to wrap gifts!

Handmade and recycled and super sweet.


  1. I mail them in bunches to other family members out of town. James picks who each pile is for and we send them off. Family love to get them and I love not having to throw them out. At christmas I plaque mount a few as gifts for people. You can also put them in photo albums for each year. And the last idea I have it to wallpaper the inside of a closet with them - brightens up a rather dull space.

  2. lol I have learned to hide them at the bottom of the recycling bin!
