Last weekend, however, we were in serious need of fresh ideas and fun to manage a serious household case of cabin fever....we colored and playdoughed and painted and read until we were, well, sick of each other.
In an attempt to salvage our Saturday night I decided to do what I do best: I threw a party. The theme was "green" and there were three guests of honour, only two of which eat solids (oh, how our parties have changed...) and the deal was: we had to make do with what was on hand. Re-use, reduce, recycle, and all that...
I started by sending the troops into the rain to gather wildflowers for the table.
While they were out, I covered the table with leftover newsprint from our unpacking and made centrepieces out of jars of recycled pencil crayons and soy candles. We added the flowers, when they arrived, and some mason jars with leftover candle bits....things were starting to feel festive!
I decided to take the "green" theme one step further and made ALL GREEN food. A huge leap of faith with a two year old....I would have loved to have done Green Eggs and Ham but, alas, we had to use what was in the fridge. So I made roasted vegetable ravioli (spinach pasta = green!) from Pasta Genoa downtown with homemade pesto (=green) and a big salad made with local greens (=double green). It was pretty awesome.
We colored and chatted and, despite one water spilling incident followed by one screaming incident, it was a super successful family dinner. We lingered well past dark at the table (=success) and Winnie ate the arugula salad (=HUGE success) and we all went to bed feeling like the weekend had been a blast!
Oh, and what did we have for dessert? Green Juice!
*Please ignore the mess in the background of all pictures. Just pretend you don't see it, like I do.*
Wow, I'm amazing she ate arugula!!!! I wonder if this would work at my house!!!! LOL