Monday, May 27, 2013

Life, Inspired.

I say this all the time. I say it to everyone around me.

It's basically the mantra by which I live.

Say YES!
Figure out the details later.

If you want it, get it. 
Take it.
Stop worrying about the how.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Everything will work itself out exactly as it is meant to be.

Now that doesn't always mean that everything works out exactly the way I thought it would, or how I hoped it would...but it always does work itself out.

Sometimes I succeed.
Sometimes I learn something big.
Sometimes the YES is just a stepping stone.

The past year has presented some challenges.
Less success, more learning.

It's made me waver.
Doubt the force that moves me.

A few months ago I woke up in a sweat.
I woke Jamie up next.

"I feel scared. I feel afraid to make decisions. I'm so worried about making mistakes, I'm not going anywhere.....

And the worst part? I'm terrified I'm going to keep being scared. And that our girls are going to grow up with a mom who is scared. Who dampens their dreams. Who worries about the how and the why, not because it's practical, but because of fear.

And they'll be afraid too. That would be the worst thing I can imagine doing to them.

What am I going to do??? What????"

Jamie suggested I probably just needed some sleep.
So that's what I did. I slept. And the months rolled on.

I worked hard (and am working hard) to learn the big lessons.
To take the mistakes with me, their wisdom tucked in my back pocket.

In the past couple of weeks, I've slowly realized that I'm back.
I'm back, baby!
The fear is gone.
Or it's still there, but I think of it differently.
I think of it as excitement (just like my dad taught me.)

And it's good. It's so good.
There are new BIG things on the horizon and everything is working out just exactly as it is supposed to.

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