How do I feel about that quote? I'm typically a huge Ben Franklin fan (what's not to love???) but I'm not so sure about this one.....
When I was in Naturopathic College I had a heavy course load with about a bazillion exams.
There was a point in second year when it seemed we had 3-4 exams every week for months. And these weren't small little exams. No. These were BIG'uns. Exhausting.
And there were these games we, the students, would play.
How many hours did we study?
How much sleep did we lose?
How much MORE should we have done?
I could feel the discomfort in my body climb as I listened in on a conversation between two women who had stayed up until 2 am when I had gone to bed at midnight. What if I wasn't ready?!?!?!?
My days were scheduled into blocks of time:
I had no time for fun books or movies or leisurely walks. There was very little smelling of roses or whiling away the day.
I had no free time because I was constantly accomplishing and moving forward and terrified of what would happen if I were to lose momentum.
I felt free time had to be earned and there was no way I could ever do enough to actually earn it.
I began to notice that as my second year wore on I was *wasting* more and more time.
I was procrastinating, ignoring, not caring about the work or what needed to be done. I was pretty sure I was on the cusp of complete burn-out.
So, after second year I took a year off.
I moved to England because Jamie was working there and because I needed a break.
I was just SO tired......
Upon my return to Canada and the program I had a new motivation.
I didn't want to be the best student or the most involved or the most productive...
I just wanted to have a life. A fun one.
It was a hard transition but I gave up working on things when I wasn't motivated. I reclaimed HOURS in my week by simply closing the books and heading out for a walk when my brain was done.
I did yoga and worked and went out and watched movies and I'm pretty sure I spent more time at Starbucks reading magazines than anyone I've ever known.
But here is the best marks weren't really affected. I was learning and getting great grades......with free time to spare!
"Freedom from obsession is not about something you do: It's about knowing who you are. It's about recognizing what sustains and exhausts you". Geneen Roth.
Now, Geneen was talking about dieting and food in the quote above but time management can be much the same as a diet....A rigid set of rules that pulls us away from who we truly are.
The obsession with time management and accomplishment encourages us to ignore what inspires, motivates and invigorates us in exchange for things that need to get done.
Here's the take home, as I see it:
Purposeful Procrastination is an amazing tool.
I am a really productive person.
I keep a lot of balls in the air (most of the time) with room to spare AND
I put things off ALL THE TIME.
I procrastinate with purpose!
So, what does that look like?
How is it realistic?
When Procrastination Works:
When I am following my intuition. Do I really need to work another two hours or am I good? Would a walk/nap be more fulfilling? Would it maybe even put me in a better head space for more productive work later?
When I am committed to working in an area where I will be the most productive at all times. What is pulling me? Demanding attention? Do I feel the need to write RIGHT NOW or do I feel the need to clean the house so I have the space to write? I will get WAY more writing/cleaning/insert any task when I am in the right space for it.
When I postpone *must-dos* for activities of real value.
When I am letting go of obsessing over tasks that I can't get my head around.....even just for a moment or for the day.
When Procrastination Wastes Time:
When it is a result of indecision, lack of confidence or knowing WHO I AM. This includes joining groups and taking on tasks because I think I should not because it/they fulfill me or sustain me. Also wrapped up in there is the inability to make a decision because I don't trust myself or because I think I should do one thing but want to do something else. WASTE OF TIME.
When it is a result of having no clear structure. Structure makes way for flow. There are things I HAVE TO DO. Things I hate to do. Things that I will never be in the mood for. SO I *batch* them. I set aside two hours a week for paying bills and cleaning the toilet. 2 hours and only two hours. I am devoted to batching shitty jobs and must-dos.
When it is the result of not having clear priorities. Of saying Yes when I should be saying No. Ignoring my health to answer emails. Ignoring important work related emails to browse Pinterest. You get the picture....
Intuitive, assertive time management is a magical thing.
All of a sudden there is time for amazing work and quality time with the fam, sleep and The New Girl, exercise and time to nurse a Sunday morning hangover....and on top of that, I am my best self for the people around me.
this post speaks to me Jill! :)