Wednesday, March 6, 2013

DIY Polka Dot Wall

A few months ago I saw THIS DIY tutorial over at LaLaLovely.
It was quick and simple and I loved it.
I thought it would be a great wall treatment for my office nook.

But then, as our massive EPIC declutter unfolded I had a better idea!

There is this little space under our stairs that we built for the gals.

It has been a constant source of stress for me as it was unfinished and often became an unusable *dumping ground* it is, for your pleasure, at it's worst:

The issue is always the same: too many toys.

What I wanted for this space was a place for the girls to relax, read books and play with their babies. No clutter, no toys.

SO we cleaned it out (for the 100th time) and I donated several bins of toys.
More on that later this week!

Next, we picked up some white dot labels on the way home from school, grabbed some markers and started coloring:

And then we started sticking them on the wall. We did two walls that meet at a corner in the cubby. Sorry about the pics, this was mostly done in the afternoon, in a windowless cubby, that just got a light a couple of days ago!

Jamie added shelves, I added pillows, a re-painted wood chair and twinkle lights....

It's pretty magical in there right now. We are all loving the new, very clean, space for reading and playing and dreaming.

Now we just have to figure out how to do the *draped cloth* ceiling I have planned to envelope the twinkle lights and hide the underside of the stairs.

Coming Soon!

Note: This is super easy and quick and *reversible*which is great BUT I love it so much and I worry about how permanent it will actually be?? if I were to do it again, I would probably do it with paint.

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