Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Family Dinner.

I haven't posted a family dinner blog in awhile....

I mean, we technically have a family dinner every night but it's only on rare occasions that I pull out all the stops and make it pretty.

Monday I worked all morning and then a friend came over for tea. We chatted for way too long (one of the great joys of life!) and it was almost 3pm when she left....

I had a decision: more work? or make dinner?

I chose to make dinner.
I whipped up a carrot tomato soup (kinda-recipe below) and then, on a whim, decided to dress the table.

Beautiful napkins, candles, special dishes (you know the cheap Ikea ones from university that I keep tucked away for big parties - that kind of special), The Book of Awesome I bought at Value Village last week, and some place holders made from pine cones and paint chips.

I started at 2:55pm and by 4pm I had these pictures taken and dinner was ready.

Sometimes I feel silly making such a fuss over dinner but then the girls come home, and they are so excited and they say things like "This is so special mom" and we linger over dinner for just a bit longer then usual and I figure it's all worth it.

Dishes you don't use every day
A few candles tucked in mason jars
A joke book or word game
Yummy food all served at the table
A little vase of flowers or greenery from the backyard
An hour of effort

I only do this every couple of months but memory is a funny thing.

I know as they grow up they'll remember all of our special dinners in amplified technicolor....."Remember when we had those special dinners EVERY week?!" 

A pretty great return on investment, I think!

Carrot Tomato Soup
A recipe from SouleMama I butchered adapted.

Note: If you don't make soup often and you need a really solid recipe...this isn't it! Soup is fairly forgiving so I just throw things together and hope for the best!

5 large tomatoes, peeled and cut in half lengthwise*
2 big carrots
1 medium onion
2 stalks of celery
2 cloves of garlic
4 Tbsp of olive oil
2 Tbsp of butter
Chicken or vegetable stock
Fresh Thyme
Fresh Rosemary

Fresh Cream

1. Once your tomatoes are peeled and cut in half, arrange them on a baking sheet. Drizzle a few tablespoons of olive oil over the tomatoes and toss with the oil and a few fresh sprigs of Thyme and/or rosemary. Bake in the oven at 400F for 25-30 minutes.

2. While that is roasting, I chop up the onion, celery, carrot and garlic.

3. In a large pot, melt the butter and last 2 Tbsp of olive oil, add the chopped veggies and garlic and let them cook over medium heat until they are soft (15-20 minutes).

4. When the tomatoes are ready, add them to the pot of veggies, cover with stock, and season with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for another 10-15 minutes until everything is really well cooked.

5. Cool a bit and blend with an immersion blender.

6. Add fresh cream and chopped basil just before serving!

One of our Favorites! Served with crusty bread and cheddar cheese.


  1. Lovely Jill, i remember when i was younger we had dinners like that, and yes they will remember.....cheers sue

  2. That's such a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration- and the recipe.

  3. We always have dinner together but I never think to make it special. I'm inspired!

  4. you just gave me a reason to pull out the sets of napkin holders I've been gifted over the years, that I always forget to pull out for "special occasions", ie. christmas. I don't need a "reason" to use the table garnishes, just do it I suppose.
