The house is quiet.
The flu has overrun us and I, having escaped the pukes, am the only one still standing.
So, with a few minutes to myself, I thought I'd share the 21 Day Detox I do a few times a year.
I have many patients currently on board but the thing is, you can do this anytime you like. Start when you want, make it as long (I've gone for 30 days!) or as short (try 7!) as you like.
Just make sure you're medically safe and sound before you do.
I am currently on day 8 and honestly, the more often I do this the easier it is.
The more comfortable I feel.
Without sugar, I am more clear and energetic and definitely more vibrant.
As I said, I only do this a few times a year. The rest of the time I just try to eat what my body wants and not worry about it too much.
The only general eating *rules* I follow are:
1. Listen to what my body wants
2. Eat with awareness (i.e. not in the car or in front of the tv)
3. Be aware of cravings vs. hunger (not that I don't give in to cravings, I'm just aware when that's why I'm eating!)
4. Eat for pleasure
5. Eat until satisfied
*Adapted from Geneen Roth's Eating Guidelines.
Anyways, enough about that, I just wanted to be clear that I'm not condoning serious food restrictions or neurosis. I consider this detox more of a *reset*, reminding me how good I can feel, what my body really enjoys as fuel and how fabulous it feels to NOT be at the mercy of constant cravings (KD Lang!) and low energy food choices.
Without Further Adieu....
21 Day Sug Detox by Jillian Murphy
I have a veggie friendly option too, if you're interested and feel free to let me know if you have any general questions.
Oh, and again, make sure you have the medical A-Okay form your ND/MD before starting...we want everyone to be safe!
Thanks for sharing!