Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Escape Your Children.

6 years ago yesterday, we got married.

In celebration of the day, Jamie's parents gave us the best gift of all....

Two whole days and nights without kids.
AKA The Best Weekend of Our Lives.

Here is what freedom looks like:

This may not look like much, but it has been 4 years since I've had LEG SPACE on a car ride. We drive a VW Golf and we love that car...but two car seats in the back = no room to move. I'd forgotten what it feels like to stretch out a relax. I slept, I read, we talked.

Who knew a car ride could be so blissful?

We arrive in the city and see the bright lights ahead.

There were no kids yelling "Look Mom! The CNen Tower! Is this where Izzy lives? Look, the CNen Tower! Are we there yet? Look! Look!".

I actually kind of missed that...

We head out to dinner at 8pm. 8 pm!
We wander around, we check out the architecture.
We watch busy people in cool spaces doing cool things.

It reminds me of when we were young and backpacking together and we'd be in some city, somewhere, late at night.....
Through the open windows we'd get a glimpse into the lives of others.
In beautiful apartments, having dinner parties or working late, or just smoking and drinking wine.
We'd watch and we'd wonder about where we'd be when we grew up?
What would we do late on Friday nights when we had a home and a career and a family?
It feels like a million years ago.....

Anyways, we went out late.
We ate diner late.
We had drinks and stayed out late.

And then we slept. And slept.
We slept until 7:30am, which may be some kind of record for Jamie.
When we finally get up at 9:30, I feel like Superwoman.

We get dressed and head out.
We wander all the way to East Queen St (like, as far east as you can go...we walked over the DVP on the way).

Along the way we see the city setting up for the holidays.
Jamie gets out cash. I call home to see how the girls are.
Pippa yells "I luff oo, mama" into the phone.

I have *a moment*, but then I remember that Bonjour Brioche Bakery is our destination and all is forgotten. I'll see those gals tomorrow.

Off we go.

We admire more architecture. We actually stop to stare at buildings.
Jamie says things like "This is what I was telling you about incorporating copper into...blah, blah, blah".
I just listen and nod.

Finally, after an hour of walking we make it to Bonjour Brioche.

I'm not posing in that top pic, I'm actually propping the door open...because the place is so packed and the line is starting out the door. Moments after we take the picture, there are ten people behind me in line.

This is why we don't come with kids.
The line is always out the door.
You wait and wait.
Then you finally get a teeny little table, and you are squished in between the pastry case and 4 people next door.

Our kids would tear this place apart.

But it's just us. So, we have coffee.
And then the best breakfast.
And cocktails....because they're only $5 and because we can.

We head home the long way.
We explore design shops and furniture shops and we spend a long time sampling seasonal beers and barley wine in the Distillery District.

Autumn is being cleared away and preparations for the Christmas Market are happening.
We vow to make it back for the Market Festivities this year.

Once adequately exhausted, we head back to our room to drink lattes and watch soccer. We love soccer and we never get to watch it anymore.

Then we napped.

Does it get any better?

Yes it does.
After nap I play mini spa with my Purple Essentials Mud Mask and new Josie Maran make-up.

We bought the make-up on a quick trip into Sephora (Jamie's favorite part of the weekend, I'm sure. He waited in the longline while I shopped and gabbed and then hopped in at the last second to pay).

All dolled up, we head out on the town.
Did I mention that the weather was amazing?
It was cool but lovely. Perfect walking weather.

We walk half way to dinner before my feet, in heels, start to ache.
We grab a cab.

We eat a super yummy dinner at The Drake.
We share dessert.
We head downstairs to The Underground and we watch Sarah Neufeld, of Arcade Fire, perform.

We finish the weekend at another Brunch Favorite: Temple Kitchen in Liberty Village.

Jamie orders a stack of the famous Mildred Pierce pancakes to start...and then we have breakfast.
We admire our wrist stamps, leftover from the night before, making us feel very young and urban and hip.

Then we go next door to West Elm and buy a new sofa, which makes us feel very old and domesticated.

We head home in happy silence.
We grocery shop together.
We welcome home two very excited (if a bit whiny and clingy) girls.

It was another wonderful anniversary.
The best part? No hangover like last year.
The worst part? Probably Jamie's mustache.
Movember is always interfering with our anniversary and Christmas Pictures....what can you do?
It's for charity.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend Jill! It's so nice to enjoy the time together without the kiddies! It always amazes me how nice it is to slow down and relax but still have little moments when you see someone else with their kids!!!
