These *markers* paint me a picture of the overall-health of the individual I'm working with.
Here is what I'm finding:

[Pic: We Heart it]
Almost every woman in my office (let's say 95%), report low to non-existent libido.
I'm not just talking about peri-menopausal women (that's an entirely different issue), what's concerning me is the 25-40 year old set that report little to no interest in the height of their fertile years.
I know it's multi factorial and that the root of most libido issues are relationship issues, BUT I see many young women who are in genuinely happy, loving, supportive relationships who are still having trouble mustering up any enthusiasm for their partners....
"According to a group of new studies, young women between the ages of 18 and 30 are suffering from low libido at rates never seen before: 43% of women have sexual problems, they say. And 1 in 10 women doesn't want to have sex at all, trumpeted a recent ABC News story". -HuffPost Women
"A disappearing sex drive is a common problem -- sometimes in women as young as her 30's -- and while it hasn't reached epidemic proportions yet, I think we're only seeing a small portion of the women who are affected," says Rebecca Amaru, MD, a gynecologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City". -WebMD

[Pic: Mark's Daily Apple]
What's going on?
There are the usual culprits: hormonal changes, medications (anti-depressants, birth control pills), feeling stressed, tired, overworked and/or under appreciated.
Then, there is the whole issue of Hollywood and the media and the portrayal of women as inanimate sex we really even have to go there? It's a problem.

[Pic: We heart it]
When it comes to low libido, there are so many potential causes that finding a solution can feel overwhelming and unattainable.
The fact of the matter is that it's almost impossible to eliminate all of the stress and fatigue and influence of the media on our lives......
So, what do we do?
Assuming I'm working with a *healthy* young female: no major relationship issues and no serious mood disorder, here's my little theory on how to lay the foundation for a healthy libido:
1. My #1 rule with health concerns that seem super complex is: Start Super Simple.
As we know in naturopathic medicine, many health issues are related and often linked to one root cause. If I can find that root cause and *fix* it, there is this amazing domino effect on overall health. Things seem to spontaneously resolve....
If the root cause is more elusive, I focus on Lightening the Load.
Here's what I mean: when someone is dealing with ten different & difficult life/health issues it can feel like the weight of the world. I try to home in on 2-3 of those issues and deal with them. As the laundry list of problems shortens, so too does the *weight*. Other issues seem less overwhelming, less urgent, less persistent. Again, there is a lovely domino effect on overall health.
How do we start super simple?
Eat Right.

[Pic: Mark's Daily Apple]
Go Primal/Paleo. It's the single best thing you can do for your overall health and fertility. The results I've had so far have been amazing!
Tim Ferris preaches that we must Eat for Fertility and I think he's hit the nail on the head. Our diet, too high in carbs and too low in protein and healthy fat is at the root of rising infertility issues and plummeting libidos. It's making us obese and unwell and let's face it, when we are unwell our bodies don't want us reproducing --> No sex drive, difficulty conceiving.
(It's obviously not that basic, but we're just talking about the foundation for libido and fertility!)
A Great Article on Sex Drive by Mark Sisson of The Primal Blueprint.
Get Moving.
Lots of LONG SLOW movement (walking is perfect!) with 1-2 more intense (10-12 minute) workouts a week. That's it. Don't overdo it. Too much exercise is as bad as too little.
Get Rest.
We must deal with fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. This can be done with a regular sleep schedule and some herbs and B-vitamins. Especially for mamas, take all the help you can're fighting an uphill battle!

[Pic: We heart it]
Take a few supps.
Fish oil, probiotic, some herbs.....supplements can help resolve minor mood issues, sleep issues, stress issues and kick start your libido.
2. Get Happy.

[Pic: We Heart It]
Easier said than done, but the pursuit is as important as the destination. Making the effort to *get happy* is inspiring and empowering and will result in feeling better about yourself.
My #1 recommendation for *getting happy*:
Define your *Core Cause*....your WHY, your true driving force.....

This is challenging but amazing. It's will help you live your most authentic self, reduce behaviours that detract from the real you, and improve your relationships. It's worth the work!
Get Moving.
Lots of LONG SLOW movement (walking is perfect!) with 1-2 more intense (10-12 minute) workouts a week. That's it. Don't overdo it. Too much exercise is as bad as too little.
Get Rest.
We must deal with fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. This can be done with a regular sleep schedule and some herbs and B-vitamins. Especially for mamas, take all the help you can're fighting an uphill battle!

[Pic: We heart it]
Take a few supps.
Fish oil, probiotic, some herbs.....supplements can help resolve minor mood issues, sleep issues, stress issues and kick start your libido.
2. Get Happy.

[Pic: We Heart It]
Easier said than done, but the pursuit is as important as the destination. Making the effort to *get happy* is inspiring and empowering and will result in feeling better about yourself.
My #1 recommendation for *getting happy*:
Define your *Core Cause*....your WHY, your true driving force.....

This is challenging but amazing. It's will help you live your most authentic self, reduce behaviours that detract from the real you, and improve your relationships. It's worth the work!
“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.”
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Getting Healthy and Happy is just a start....but it is a start!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Great blog Jill! A topic that needs to be addressed. Thanks for the info.