Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I burned myself.....

It's a bad one. Every finger on my left hand is blistered & burning (typing with right hand: clickety, click, click). No pics of this one friends.....it's not pretty.

I was whipping up THIS quick and easy dinner for Jamie and Winn after swimming, rushing around like a chicken with her head cut off, so we'd get the kidlings to bed on time. I pulled a hot frying pan from the oven carefully, started to serve up dinner, got distracted by the baby, and then turned back to the oven and picked up the hot frying pan with my bare hand. My skin *sizzled*. Jamie heard it across the room.

Sound dumb? It was.
What's worse? I do this every 4-6 weeks.
The icing on the burnt-flesh cake? I just wrote a blog about first aid kits, I burn myself regularly (it's kind of *my thing*) and I don't have any burn supplies on hand. Everything else, sure, but nothing for burns.

So lesson learned. I'm going to round out my naturopathic first aid kit for home. You should too!
I'm ordering next week. The kits will include:

1. Probiotic: Metagenics Ultra Flora Plus DF Powder
2. Fish oil: Nordic Naturals ProEPA Junior
3. Vitamin E Oil by Genestra
4. Herbal Immune Combination: Echinasyr
5. Cough Syrup: Drosera Plex
6. Homeopathics:
Arnica 30C
Apis 30C
Belladonna 30C
Cantharis 30C
Nux Vomica 30C
Urtica Urens 30C
Arnica Cream

I can sell them for $230 plus tax and shipping (if applicable). The retail value is approximately $280+.
Let me know by Monday if you want in!

Okay, must go replace the ice in the bowl of water that saving my fingers.

[pics: weheartit]

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