I'm a bit behind, I know, but it was our 5th anniversary on Friday and we had a bit TOO much fun and then we spent the rest of the weekend recovering and feeling very old.
So, here it is......this weeks gift ideas.
Sewing, felting, knitting & crocheting projects to make OR buy.
I'm giving you all lots of information on how to make these puppies but, just in case the days until Christmas disappear too quickly, I'm also providing (whenever possible) information on where you can find beautiful handmade alternatives.
1. Comfy Pants
Pattern: Ankle Biter Pants from Puking Pastilles
These are simple, easy to make pants that fit really well over cloth diapers. My friend Natalie (see below) directed me to this pattern and it couldn't be easier! I'm making a pair of reversible spotty dotty ones out of super soft cotton and flannel.
2. Upcycled Elf Hats
One of my favorite craft materials is felted wool. Felted wool = matted wool and it's pretty amazing stuff. Last year I made felted wool wreaths HERE.
There are about a million amazing things you can make with felted wool, but here's one of my favs. A felted wool hat from an old sweater. This picture below is from Living Crafts Magazine.
Simply felt a 100% wool sweater (tutorial HERE). Cut out the shape of your hat (using an old hat as a template) and stitch it up!
Too busy? Not enough time?
Check out these amazing upcycled creations from Jeni Juranics.
About Jeni:
Jeni is craft obsessed! With the few minutes a day that she has left between being a mom of two and family photographer, upcycling gently used clothing into cute kids apparel and accessories is her passion. Combined with her other crafty areas such as knitting, crocheting, working with wool and felt, Jeni sells her creations as Old Shirt - New Skirt ; Upcycled Kids Clothes & Other Hand Made Stuff! Check out more of her work HERE.
3. Knit Gnome Hats
I made these last year. Using big chunky wool and fat needles, they come together in one episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Pattern can be found in Living Crafts Magazine. I embellished with leftover bits of a felted sweater and buttons.
4. Leg Warmers
These A-dorable baby legs warmers were crocheted by Natalie George at Go Green Baby. You can read more about Natalie and her store HERE.
So freakin' cute!
OR, you could try making them yourself:
Download a FREE Pattern for crocheted leg warmers HERE from Green Baboon Designs.
What will you be making/buying this week?
Love it all!